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Eco-museums in Umbria

The Eco-museums of Umbria are a proposal for an alternative tour that starts from the territory...

The Eco-museum is an alternative view to the traditional museum, focused on the idea of going beyond the concept of a museum as an objects-container.
Therefore the innovative aspect lies in being a tool for cultural, social and economic development of the territory.

It aims to reconstruct and spread the knowledge and practices of local people, including the promotion of the territory based on culture sustainability with community involvement, collective memory, tangible and intangible heritage, environment and landscape.

In the eco-museums, are carried out researches and documentation activities of both traditional characters and new cultural profiles, result of contemporary influences.

Even in places that are often far away from major tourist flows, the vitality and territorial animation are guaranteed through the organization of small and large events.

The eco-museum projects come from a series of meetings shared with residents and local associations that create the conditions to trigger a process of participatory and shared planning, guaranteeing direct and shared involvement in the organization and management of activities plans and programs. Other forms of participation and sharing are the "community maps", tools for the population to collect information in the area.

In the current 6 Eco-museums of Umbria the following activities are possible: thematic tours, educational workrooms in collaboration with environmental education centres (CEA), research and documentation, organization of activities and events, collaboration with public and private entities of the territory, promoting the area, tourist paths.