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The archaeological Umbria

Archaeological itineraries to discover the Umbrians, Etruscans and Romans

Traces and archaeological finds tell the history of Umbria, a region that experienced great civilizations such as the Umbrians, the Etruscans and the Romans.

The Umbrians, called by the ancient authors gens antiquissima italiae, being considered as one of the oldest people living in the peninsula, are believed to have arrived in Italy in the second millennium BC. They occupied an area that extended, in the classical era, from the upper Tiber valley to the Adriatic Sea.

The Etruscans expansion confined the Umbrians to the east bank of the river. From the Etruscan-Roman period are still visible in the cities walls, gates, wells and other civil engineering structures. They gradually settled in the land that had previously belonged to the Umbrians, occupying the entire western part of the region.

The subsequent expansion of the Romans in Umbria, from the IV century BC, left extensive records of finds in the area that survived to sacks and medieval urban expansions.

In 571 the Lombards, after having conquered the Po Valley, descended the Apennines and founded in Umbria in 575 the Duchy of Spoleto, which remained formally independent until 1250. Umbria was thus divided into two distinct blocks: the Lombard Duchy and the long and narrow strip of the so-called Byzantine Corridor.

Museums are custodians of these important evidences. The Umbrian ones can be discovered in  Gubbio, in the   Raccolta Archeologica del museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli .
Remarkable is the Etruscan and Roman heritage of finds kept in  Perugia at the  Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Umbria , in  Orvieto at the Museo “Claudio Faina” e Museo Civico in   Assisi at the   Foro romano e collezione archeologica , in  Amelia at the  Museo Civico Archeologico .
You can immerse yourself in ancient history along the archaeological parks of   Otricoli and   Carsulae  or at the  Necropoli del Palazzone e Ipogeo dei Volumni  in Perugia.
Not to be missed are the monuments that tell the story of the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto, such as the  Tempietto sul Clitunno in Campello sul Clitunno, the  Museo Nazionale del Ducato  and the church of San Salvatore in Spoleto.