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The Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi is a splendid example of rural Italian landscape, which has 64 hectares and more than 800 years of history. It represents a real and true interior journey to discover the message of the perfect harmony between Man and the Creation that St Francis taught to the world.
Visitors can cover the distance of the narrow path that, departing from the San Francesco Basilica and passing the Selva di San Francesco—owned by the Papal Basilica, Sacro Convento di San Francesco d’Assisi—goes through woodlands and cultivated fields, and crosses glades and olive tree groves. Upon arriving at the bottom of the valley, the evidence of a microcosm inhabited between the 13th and 14th century by Benedictine nuns can be discovered. It includes a church, a mill, the remnants of a hospice and a monastery and, further on, an ancient tower-factory, from which it is possible to admire the work of Michelangelo Pistoletto, titled Terzo Paradiso—Third Paradise—an extraordinary example of Land Art.
Since 2008, the area has been the property of the FAI, Fondo Ambiente Italiano—Italian Environmental Fund—that takes care of its restoration and ensures its best fruition for the visitor.