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Necropoli etrusca di Strozzacapponi. Corciano (PG)


Detailed information


It is possible to visit the Necropoli Etrusca di Strozzacapponi by following a well guided and structured exhibition tour, which enhances the value of some of the hundreds of tombsthat are organized following a carefully preordained urban plan: of analogous structure and dimensions, they lay before a so called "dromos"—corridor—endowed with steps leading to the entrance, which is closed with a large stone slab. The internal space was furnished with platforms on three sides where the urns, containing the ashes of the deceased and their funerary goods, were placed. A large number of lower social ranking personalities, free men or freed slaves are sided next to the traditional noble high ranks. The Strozzacapponi agglomerate structure constitutes a perfect example of organized necropolises, following a precise plan. The burial rite is incineration, ordinarily used in the Perugian territory during the Hellenistic period. The deceased body was burnt and its ashes were collected inside urns made of travertine marble or kept inside "olles"—ceramic—vases. The urns, whose samples are exhibited at the Municipal Antiquarium in Corciano, generally have a levigated surface and, only in some cases, are sculpted or enriched with lively polychrome decorations. The name of the deceased is often sculpted on the covers. The necropolis was attended between the 3 and the 1 century B.C., and was associated with the settlement connected with the extraction activity in the quarries of travertine marble in Santa Sabina locality. The transformation of the necropolis into a museum is intended as part of a broader plan for the realization of a naturalistic-archaeological itinerary, which also includes the Fosso Rigo Necropolis, used by the craftsmen working on the local stone.