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Olive oil and wine museums in Umbria

The ancient tradition of olive oil and wine production in Umbria is kept alive by some striking museums. Among milling stories, the different uses of olive trees and oil and the technics of winemaking, you can view rare and important archaeological finds, refined pieces of pottery produced from the early Middle Ages to the Modern Age and traditional work tools.

The Museo dell'Olivo e dell'Olio (MOO) and the Museo del Vino (MUVIT) are situated in Torgiano. The MOO is located inside an ancient oil mill, in use until the 20th century, while the MUVIT in located in palazzo Graziani-Baglioni, important building of the 17th century. Archaeological finds, pottery, books and other objects describe the myth, production, diffusion and the multiple uses of wine, olive trees and olive oil in Umbria.

In Trevi, the  Museo della civiltà dell’ulivo shows different characteristics of olive crops, protagonists of the economy and the landscape of Umbria, with display panels, multimedia areas, archaeological finds and oil machines.

In Montefalco, you can visit the ancient wine cellar of the Friars Minor Conventual in the Complesso museale di San Francesco. These wine cellars have been discovered during the last restoration work and have been furnished with 18th and 19th-century objects and tools of the Umbrian winemaking tradition.

You should also visit the Ancient oil mill in Costacciaro. Probably built in the 17th-18th century, it shows all the stages of the oil production from the milling to the pressing and collection process.

An important project to promote the ancient connection between art and agriculture is “Coltiviamo Capolavori, un percorso insolito nell’agricoltura e nell’arte in Umbria”. It is a project of Confagricultura Umbria that aims to conduct a study on the cultural heritage of Umbria to find artistic examples of the ancient connection between man and agriculture, especially between man and olive and wine crops.


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