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Itinerary of printing in Umbria

In 1470 the Printing technic started and developed in Umbria.

Trevi is the fourth Italian city where a printing works is established: a section inside the Complesso Museale di San Francesco, recalls the activity of the Printing Company founded in 1470 with the printing of the incunabulum The History of Forgiveness of Assisi.

Two years later, in 1472, in Foligno, the Officina Orfini Numeister gave birth to the first edition of the Divine Comedy. Since 2012, it is possible to visit the Museum of Printing at the Orfini Numeister printing house in the ancient Palazzo Orfini in Piazza della Repubblica.

In the Upper Tiber Valley, the printing art appeared in Città di Castello in 1538, when three printers were hired by the First Citizens to print the Liber statutorum Civitatis Castelli, the city Statue with the laws, the rules and the taxes enforced. This ancient tradition is attested by the Centro di documentazione delle Arti grafiche "Grifani-Donati", one of the oldest pressing office still working in Italy, founded in 1799.

In Selci-Lama, near San Giustino, the museum inside the Stabilimento Tipografico “Pliniana” (a printing works founded in 1913) preserve Renaissance instruments such as lead sorts in Greek, Lithuanian and Cyrillic alphabets kept in drawers in French style, signs used to compose chemical and mathematical formulas, zinc stereotypes, some of them representing maps of entire cities.

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